Unlock your potential and unleash the best version of yourself. Within you lies a wealth of untapped talent, waiting to be explored. Discover the power within and embark on a journey of self-discovery that will transform your life. Take control, embrace your strengths, and face your challenges with confidence. Believe in yourself and watch your dreams come true. Better yet, experience it.
The Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity are free for your life, no charge, no signups, just priceless information and encouragement.
In every walk of life there are experts, those who do it better than the rest. You personally misconstrue the meaning of the word "experts," which is why we're still waiting to see the best in you come to the forefront.
Until now, you've been listening to people touted as experts who are in fact little more than observers. The Psychology of Shortcuts and the Psychology of Longevity are based on the premise that masters and millionaires know better than everyone else how they became masters and millionaires. Logic and empirical evidence lead the way, rather than the opinions of those who may sound good, whether or not their walk is foreign to their talk.
Are you fully grasping this?
Only the people who repeatedly outperform everyone else can we
count as reliable sources on how to get their level of results!
The solid evidence, especially when repeated so many times, is the guide for all others to duplicate their results. A recipe for a cake, understanding the simplicity of a lock, is not materially different from the recipes of wealth, power, seduction, music, marketing, parenting, and the recipes of 32,000 other human efforts.
Every field has masters and champions who show the rest how to engage successful shortcuts to promote as rapid and controlled an escalation of success as any set of shortcuts thus far delineated by members of humankind. The act of imitating the repeated recipe of who you most admire... works rapid wonders. Shh. Speak less. Do more.
With the added interactivity of Shapelinks and MasterLinks, Shapetalk and Megabeams, Brainlifters, Powergems, and so much more,
the body of BrainCandy & EyeCandy created by the Godfather of EyeCandy is the first body of art with so many hand-crafted colors,
across millions of unique pages from MisterShortcut, based on 7,777 of MisterShortcut's best Psychology of Shortcuts chapters.
Those who do better, know better. This is who we imitate BEFORE innovating.
Millions of unique pages were possible because of the pioneers who come first, crafting shortcuts.
Unsung heroes ought to know that their work affects exponentially more than our predecessors.
Shortcuts are the work of such pioneers, who make thousands of mistakes for one genius bit.
Example? These millions of unique pages of shortcuts, millions of unique digital art pages,
the Shapetalk- and PowerGem-filled millions and millions of EyeCandy pages for Y O U,
packed with the shortcuts of masters and millionaires and champions and long-livers,
the people most entitled to teach all the rest of us in their areas of repeat mastery,
help show how much more you have inside of you, waiting.
You can read and learn, or learn from who has & does!
After reading just a book or two per day each day,
you, too, will find magic happening quickly.
Thousands of days, one unto another.
Or, you can use these shortcuts.
The greatest shortcuts of all.
Masters and millionaires,
champions, billionaires.
Since they do better,
they know better.
They do it how?
With shortcuts!
Yes, you can read a book or two per day. I have, sometimes several per day, 20,417 days
(since start on 10th birthday)
Stop stopping. Yes, stop stopping your eyes on the small words of less than four letters each.
When your eyes and mind focus only on larger words that matter, your brain fills in the blanks.
The only "catch" is that you must review what you learn within minutes or hours, to remember.
This tiny little shortcut works for one hundred percent of us, and gives more than you'd guess.
Memorizing just the statements that comprise this PowerGem, you will seem a bit smarter.
Better yet, practicing it a few dozen times shows you instantly becoming more intelligent.
One hundred days of reading useful information with this shortcut doubles your results.
Aside from a mega-successful shortcut to absorbing more information in fewer words,
you also end up saving many more thousands of precious seconds over a lifetime.
Additional benefits are like supercharged fringe-benefits, perquisites of learning.
Those are the second and third layers of utility in every piece of great wisdom.
So, on the same page, a PowerGem not seen in a hundred thousand pages.
This is known to all well-balanced minds of fantastically high intelligence,
worth uncountable millions in cash to any human inclined to gain profit,
that wisdom itself is so exquisitely more than art, it hides within itself.
There are no exceptions to this exquisite insight into hidden wisdom.
When you think you understand a juicy bit of wisdom, peek again.
Then, when your barely-developed mind finally sees new again,
and the second new meaning hits you with a walloping smile,
enjoy it as you settle in to find the next new layer, and the...
Remember the juiciest delight of "regular" people using the Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity:
Everyone else is full of blatherskite and theft of time for at least two people when granted an audience of one.
As the hundreds of days of your life become many thousands, waves of wisdom wash over you and inside of you.
As with everything great in life, a proverbial catch: What you know is always secondary to what you do with it.
It begins rapidly enough when you use one or more PowerGems, and still, it multiplies greatly over time.
The Psychology of Shortcuts tries to shove the entire benefit of at least one or more great books,
sometimes hidden right there in plain sight throughout the Psychology of Shortcuts,
on each and every page. That's how great PowerGems actually are,
how grateful we have to be for those who share the secrets.
When asked nicely, sometimes repeatedly, masters share.
That's one way we know they are masters and champions.
Those who understand the secrets of life, PowerGems,
are unthreatened by sharing, finding benefit instead.
PowerGems are learned with a hundred repetitions.
PowerGems are mastered within 1,000 repetitions.
Every day, remind yourself that PowerGems work.
Prove your PowerGems by using them every hour.
You now tap into true power.
The benefits and payoffs are going to astound you.
Yes, even you.
Global Generosity Of Self-Empowerment!
Pick one thing that you do every day:
Figure out a 1% improvement.
Repeat this one thousand times
Mastery become yours.
Read the greed, then feed your seeds.
Important shortcuts, important shortcuts,
for all that you do that's important to you.
Important shortcuts for all your life's deeds,
find that important shortcuts can fill your needs.
Important shortcuts are ALWAYS your important shortcuts,
comport yourself with your best ethics, and not as a whore does.
A whore in business is the worst of all, it's important to note this,
because it is THEY who build walls,
walls to divide the mean and the snide,
the methods that indicate the lack of pride.
See how quickly important shortcuts ease this.
Let your important shortcuts, clear up that mess,
if it's important you know you can get by with less.
Important shortcuts, they surround us around the world,
Important shortcuts work for all the boys and all the girls.
Is it not an important shortcut when you ask for assistance?
Is it a less important shortcut for you to cut across the lawn?
Is it an important shortcut when you eat food made by others?
You employ many shortcuts without asking if they are important.
When you use them on purpose, shortcuts become more important.
Live your Psychology of Shortcuts with fullest intention and attention.
In return, the Psychology of Shortcuts helps you to be more important.
Half your wealth is fairly earned by the Psychology of Shortcuts.
Invest that half into helping more of the helpless you find.
Where you see excessive wealth, you will see poverty.
Help the helpless for you to be rich and important.
Feed your shortcuts, as your shortcuts feed you.
More shortcuts sites from MisterShortcut and YOUR Psychology of Shortcuts
Shorcuts.US Success-Shortcuts.US
How-To-Succeed.com Success-Shortcuts.net
"Treat every day as if it's your last,
.. because one of these days it most certainly will be."
Since the Psychology of Longevity is, naturally, already a part of you,
embrace the secrets of the Psychology of Longevity as a part of your daily life.
Breathe deeply, not in shallow spurts. Drink enough water. Stretch several times per day.
Just about everything in the Psychology of Longevity is well worth repeating. Here's a great example.
Until you have mastered your corner of interest, researching at the Psychology of Longevity and beyond,
ALWAYS consult with your primary health care provider before making any changes in medication.
Until you master at least one hundred new facts about what ails you, consult with professionals.
Pharmaceuticals are so dangerous they sometimes cause problems if you stop taking them.
Any physician who reaches for Rx drugs before natural answers cannot be a top doctor.
Always consult WITH a trusted primary health care provider: you must participate!
If you leave your most important health decisions to others, you may well lose.
Allowing others to decide your greatest decisions is the height of stupidity.
Other people cannot be expected to care more for you than for money.
This is a sad and unchanging fact of life. Your life is no exception.
Learning more, you participate intelligently in health decisions.
Learn about what ails you in pursuit of achieving its defeat.
Learning just one hundred facts, your mastery develops.
You can find natural answers to every health challenge.
Every health challenge has 'natural healing' answers.
If you knew better, you would do so much better.
Give attention to those who have, and still do,
living stronger for longer, doing so naturally.
Such is your Psychology of Longevity.
Health Index - Psychology of Longevity
Wealth Index For the Psychology of Shortcuts
Return to the top of this Psychology of Shortcuts page
Useful shortcuts for this
and Useful shortcuts for that,
crafting tomorrows still brighter than that.
The shortcuts that work best and best of all,
are shortcuts you embrace within your own thrall.
Useful shortcuts to help you to better help yourself,
Useful shortcuts to pick your dreams up off the shelf.
As well, these Useful shortcuts, might help you to help,
after using your Useful shortcuts, with unrelenting belief.
Later and someday are words that won't do,
for those determined to make dreams come true.
Useful shortcuts empower those who empower,
who dare to climb their own greatest tower.
Look out for the one, that one special task
the one with your name written on it.
Useful shortcuts,
confiding all anew,
getting better each time,
it's tucked under your bonnet.
All that you know, all in your head,
is better than advice tendered in its stead.
Trust what you know, for you know more than you think,
and just add your Useful shortcuts, and roll 'round that rink.
This is your life, in cycles and circles, events are too likely,
to spin and to twirl us.
Thus are Useful shortcuts best to use,
when the trials and challenges
are too slippery, too smooth.
Useful shortcuts provide,
one moment to move,
at the time you're so certain,
your hands might slip.
Cut down the timing required to make,
whatever you do, whatever you bake.
Yes, there's a way, there always is..
and the best of your shortcuts make YOU a whiz.
Simply knowing it is not enough:
Useful shortcuts should never mislead, Where Shapetalk yields multiple layers of the greatest wisdom YOU have encountered thus far in life, Knowing it does not meet the bar to engage mastery:
Stop wasting time majoring in minors. Stop delaying your use of big shortcuts. It is not enough to know it: To rank high on the search engines, get yourself an affordable Premium one-word domain. affordable.cam
Shortcuts accelerate our success. What you know is not worth as much as
You took the "No, " quietly, or you did not, hm? How we spend our minutes is a preview of how we spend our lives.
When we reclaim our wasted minutes,
You must act today... ... and again.
What you know can never be as good as
...what you do with what you know.
they must always bring us closer,
to what we tend to see as "clean."
Useful shortcuts, brought along by great masters,
have prevented countless thousands of disasters.
In your mind you find useful shortcuts to use,
in whatever arena of life you might choose.
Useful to you, perhaps useful to others,
reciprocation is my personal druthers.
But this is about you, and no one else,
all about how to make you quite tough,
in service of achieving each fine dream,
and pursued and attained w our useful shortcut.
-- Identify and imitate the actions, questions, attitudes of whoever's repeatedly doing it better.
-- Apply this master secret of the universe to whatever you habitually repeat anyway.
No one develops mastery by accident.
THREE new facts per day
is 1,000+ facts pr year.
Not one in a million humans
knows 1,000 facts about ONE area.
YOU get to be that rare, special genius,
not by genetic luck of birth: By intent!
Shhh. If you knew better,
you'd surely do better, hm?
Get better on purpose, develop your mastery this way.
Is every repetition is worth at least 1% more effort?
You cannot even guess how fast you get better and better.
These are the shortcuts of masters and millionaires,
the shortcuts of our champions and billionaires.
That means they work for you, too, routinely!!
Again, merely knowing something is not enough, MAYBE half the battle.
You must act today ... today ... and then again, then again.
Maybe tomorrow will be a day of "rest, recuperation, recreation."
Today, however, is a day worth making memorable, ON PURPOSE.
That purpose only comes with your actions, true, or not?!!
What you know cannot influence your outcome as much as
what you do with what you know, yes?
... repeatedly do with what you know.
The Psychology of Shortcuts embraces interactive Shapelinks to help entice you into your own excellence.
Shapelinks are art channels and highways with thousands of subsidiary feeder pathways to PowerGems.
Shapelinks are also an artistic expression of the Psychology of Shortcuts, because they are simple, and fun.
Sadly, only IE browsers appear to render all the delicious EyeCandy effects, all in simple CSS, javascript, html.
Therefore, we are smart to remember that the Psychology of Shortcuts Shapelinks are meant as an EyeCandy treat.
We seek PowerGems that are foundations for the Psychology of Shortcuts to stand on, with shortcuts that repeatedly work.
Always double and triple-check all sources, it is silly to believe one person for big parts of life. Learn more so you can live more.
At the bottom of every page of life is the reminder that, in all religions, we get judged by how many helpless humans we get to help up.
Engage the Psychology of Shortcuts to learn more and live more, so that together we can give more. That is why we share your new wealth.
Delay is sucking the minutes of your life away by the thousands.
Do you even realize, from someone whose IQ is about double yours,
that you waste thousands of seconds every day that you get to live and breathe?
What is wrong with you? THOUSANDS of seconds every day? You do not have to be purist.
Do not cite obvious and unhelpful extremes, it is wiser to focus on saving some seconds.
Not just a few of them, either, even though those few seconds, repeated, add up.
Chopping ten seconds from every petty conversation means hundreds of hours.
This is time you are SO going to appreciate as your time begins to speed up.
The way you spend your minutes is the way you spend most of your life.
Invest your minutes and get paid back a thousand times and more.
Psychology of Shortcuts And What You Know
Saying you know it does not cut it:
Delay is sucking the minutes of your life away by the thousands.
Do you even realize, from someone whose IQ is about double yours,
who urgently wants you to sharpen your brain for the benefit of us all,
that you waste thousands of seconds every day that you get to live and breathe?
What is wrong with you? THOUSANDS of seconds every day? You do not have to be purist.
Do not cite obvious and unhelpful extremes, it is wiser to focus on saving some seconds.
Not just a few of them, either, even though those few seconds, repeated, add up.
Chopping ten seconds from every petty conversation means hundreds of hours.
This is time you are SO going to appreciate as your time starts to speed up.
How you spend your minutes is how you are spending your whole life.
Invest your minutes and get paid back a thousand times and more.
When you get this straight, the Psychology of Shortcuts centers.
More Minutely Than Carpe Diem... Carpe Momentum
For example, each day of your life has a certain number of fully wasted minutes,
minutes you can reclaim immediately for far more useful investment on your behalf.
Every time you get into a conversation with someone, take note of what you speak about.
When you find yourself outside of the zone that provides worthwhile benefit, shorten your chat.
Wise people discuss ideas, average people discuss events, mediocre people discuss other people.
That's a wonderful place to begin, because talking about other people has little profit.
That doesn't mean you eliminate every minute of just unwinding with a bit of gab.
What it does mean is a reduction of minutes that are perfectly wasteful.
While "perfect" is a nice word, "wasteful" is not quite so.
Most of your minutes are yours to do with as you wish.
By trimming wasteful minutes just a few at a time,
you instantly reap more minutes to wisely use.
Let's make this change effective right now.
Every conversation, keep this in focus.
Every conversation, trim a minute.
This alone returns, over time,
many thousands of minutes.
Think you could use them?
You must act today... ... and again.
What you know is not going to be as wealthy as what you do with what you know.
The Psychology of Shortcuts delivers colorful Shapelinks to help entice you into your own excellence.
Shapelinks are also an artistic expression of the Psychology of Shortcuts, because they are simple, and fun.
Sadly, only IE browsers appear to render all the delicious EyeCandy effects, all in simple CSS, javascript, html.
Thus, this reminder that Shapelinks, and all the other EyeCandy treats of the Psychology of Shortcuts, are for fun.
It is PowerGems that we come for, the universal shortcuts that work approximately one hundred percent of the time.
Always double and triple-check all sources, it is silly to believe one person for big parts of life. Learn more so you can live more.
At the bottom of every page of life is the reminder that, in all religions, we get judged by how many helpless humans we get to help up.
Engage the Psychology of Shortcuts to learn more and live more, so that together we can give more. That is why we share your new wealth.
It appears that Advertibles is the world's first domains broker that makes premium domains affordable.
As with everything great in life,
we inevitably find a catch, true?
With shortcuts, simplistic catch:
Shortcuts work approximately ...
as much as we work our shortcuts.
Since you cannot learn LESS... about anything,
enjoy increasing your learning curve with MrS.
Secrets of success which may be just what you have sought,
shortcuts of masters and millionaires,
are shortcuts that should not be bought.
The best of the best should be based on best merit,
who learns more and years more tends to also earn more.
Secrets of success, keep seeking YOUR OWN secrets of success,
what you focus on the most is what you will probably end up doing best.
what you repeatedly do with what you know:
Delay is sucking the minutes of your life away by the thousands.
No insult intended:
You seem to have no recognition that you are wasting thousands of seconds per day.
What is wrong with you? THOUSANDS of seconds every day? You do not have to be purist.
Do not cite obvious and unhelpful extremes, it is wiser to focus on saving some seconds.
Not just a few of them, either, even though those few seconds, repeated, do add up.
Chopping ten seconds from every petty conversation means hundreds of hours.
This is time you are SO going to appreciate as your lifetime speeds past.
The way you spend minutes is the way you spend most of your life.
Invest your minutes and get paid back a thousand times and more.
Shortcuts we share are the shortcuts of those outperforming us all.
They might as well be called hidden master secrets of the universe.
Instead of imitating dummies, imitate wise users of great shortcuts.
You used your Useful shortcuts as a child.
You experimented with several different ways of asking.
You begged, cried, screamed, screeched, held your breath, wheedled,
and you finally gave up, or you continued until you finally heard that "Yes."
Asking one more time is one of your Useful shortcuts, among the very best of all time.
Your opinion means so little before you have the repeated persistent experiences to opine about.
Thus, when you use your Useful shortcuts, as in the next few or sixty minutes of your life, repeatedly,
you are mathematically assured of repeatedly increasing the likelihood that you will get your very best results.
Use the thoughts and habits of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, each a proverbial "horse's mouth."
If you're not getting it from the horse's mouth, maybe you are spending too much time... ... at the wrong end of the horse.
Welcome to the Useful shortcuts capital of self-empowering shortcuts, with PowerGems that yield your sweetest results.
we have more of them to invest.
Yes, "Useful Shortcuts" is also a reference to Sun Tzu, and other brilliant men and women hailing from Asia.
While Sun Tzu and other great thinkers and doers yield to us what can be licitly known as "Useful Shortcuts",
these magnificent shortcuts are, in fact, universal shortcuts that come from every set of great shortcuts in life.
So, if you are silly enough to stick to labels in life, instead of expanding your awareness of better shortcuts,
you are then welcome to call these "Useful Shortcuts" if it empowers you, helping you to help yourself.
For the three in every thousand who believe they need superwealth, learn Newton's 3rd law of physics.
There are only two perfectly-proven paths to getting the greatest number of people to give as you ask.
Investing your time and effort at the Psychology of Shortcuts consistently rewards your persistence.
Getting to this line in time is enough to reward you in the most impossibly powerful manifestations.
Remember not my consistently-increasing IQ, only my never-ending use of an increasing awareness.
If and when you come to see the UTILE function of Newton's Third Law of Physics, your profits skyrocket.
The more you give, the more you get. It is fast, it is proven, it is written in every holy book across the planet.
Because it is so easy along with usually being so fast-acting, there are always those who look for the harder facets.
With the PowerGem of giving more, it is the "more" that presents the greatest challenges to the greatest number of people.
The more you give, the more you get. What you do to one side, you need to do to the other, as with every equal mathematics equation.
When you want more of one, the more of the other indisputably has to be put in, because the pendulums of life swing equally most of the time.
Giving more does not have to mean giving money. It's a magnificent PowerGem because there are thousands of ways to give that repay you more and more.
You, like everyone, are surrounded by people who are experts, really expert in catching you doing something wrong.
When you, unlike most everyone, become expert at catching individuals, red-handed in the act of doing something right,
you will rapidly comprehend why the Psychology of Shortcuts insists that this PowerGem is a critical factor of success.
Useful shortcuts are why we are here,
Useful shortcuts drive us to cheer!
More Useful shortcuts to help us rank high,
as long as Useful shortcuts point us towards the sky.